Music City Pet Internal Medicine

Maximizing Collaborative Veterinary Care: 5 Essential Tips for Optimal Pet Health Outcomes
In the complex world of veterinary medicine, collaboration between specialists, general practitioners, and pet owners is crucial, especially when dealing with challenging cases or critically ill animals. This article explores five key strategies to optimize the...

What is Veterinary Internal Medicine?
How does a vet specialist help with pet care? Thanks for stopping by and reading my new blog! Welcome. I’m glad you are here. Explore the field of Veterinary Internal Medicine more deeply: Many pet owners hear the term, and it sounds confusing and expensive. I’m here...

A New Pet Internal Medicine Option in Middle Tennessee
Hello, Franklin! I'm Dr. Jessica Larson, a board-certified veterinary small animal internal medicine specialist, and I'm excited to introduce my new business, Music City Pet Internal Medicine. My mission is to partner with general practitioners like you to provide...
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Interested in working together?
If you are a veterinarian with a stable patient in need of an internal medicine consultation, please CONTACT US to ensure that we have all of the necessary information. Pertinent and relevant medical records and available imaging reports are integral to a comprehensive and helpful consultation. We are here to provide you the most support we can as you continue to treat your client’s needs!